Container Deposit Scheme (CDS)

Get ready to make your change today!

Helping to create clean streams of Recycling across Victoria's Eastern suburbs.
Reducing litter across our suburbs, parks and waterways by up to 80%.
Assisting Victorians to earn change for themselves, their communities and charities.
Educating Scout members and our local communities about our circular economy.

How do I make my change?

Victoria just made change for the better!

Funded by contributions from the beverage industry, the Victorian Container Deposit Scheme (CDS) will contribute to Victoria's target of diverting 80% of all material away from landfill by 2030 and represents a significant milestone in our journey towards a circular economy.

PET plastics & tetra packs 80%
Glass Bottles 20%


Find out the latest updates about our CDS involvement and our local community engagements.

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